Species: Pilea involucrata 'Moon Valley'
Native to: Central and South America
Temperature preferences: 65 to 80 degrees F, High humidity
Water preferences: Moderate, even moisture
Terrestrial or Epiphytic: Terrestrial
General Information and Care: 'Moon Valley' has a more upright growth. 'Moon Valley' has wide textured leaves that are dark green on the inside and bright green around the outside. The leaves have bronze colored veins.
To establish a cutting, simply put the stem in moist substrate with a layer of sphagnum around it, then firm the mix around the stem so that it stands up
Shipped Size: Tip cutting with at least 5 leaves and established roots.
Pilea involucrata 'Moon Valley'
- 'Moon Valley' refers to the deep craters that run through the leaves
- Fast growing
- Deep Green with bright bronze veining
- Terrestrial